Live your fuller life


Imagine working in a place where everyone feels valued....But why just imagine?
And why only work? Let's live there!

I really loved the work I used to do. 

I thrived on the challenge of building, re-building and shaping a company's culture, from the individual up. Using my people-pleasing tendencies to my advantage, I threw myself into the necessary battles of will you face when you have big ideas and strong principles. Some days I cried with those I was responsible for helping, who felt deeply unappreciated, stuck and beyond help. Or by myself, after realising my boss didn't back our vision after all. A vision I had made my own. 

This is that vision - turned into my reality. 

For me, The Fuller Life is about creating a community of people who feel seen, heard and appreciated for all that they are, as we help them shift to all that they can be. You're not a client when you join us. You're one of us. One of the valued. One of the inspired. Living your fuller life.  Just imagine it...

Ani FullerCo-Founder

Imagine engaging my whole mind, my heart and all my personalities...problem-solving, optimising, being obsessive even! And directing all that to helping other people have it too!

I studied medicine because I thought it was the most meaningful way to help others. And in many ways it was. I had more meaningful moments with my patients in the short time I practised than I could have dreamed. I left when sending them back into the world that had put them into hospital got too much. There had to be another way. 

Alternative medicine; development coaching; investment finance; behavioural science; writing - in the end, I see my career trajectory as a kind of real-life tour of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs looking for the best way for me to have the most impact I can. And here I am. 

For me, The Fuller Life is about the journey to finding and living your fullest character. You don't have to take the 23-year scenic route I did. What do we do? It's simple. We help you shift to your fuller life. All you have to do is imagine it. 

Wanita Isaacs | Co-Founder

© 2021 All rights reserved: The Fuller Life LLP

The Fuller Life LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales under the partnership number OC429084. Our registered address is 85 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT.

The Fuller Life (Pty) Ltd, the South African partner of The Fuller Life LLP, is a level 1 B-BBEE firm that provides bespoke coaching, training programmes and consulting to help companies, and people, in South Africa reach their potential.

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